Huntsman Aus Pty Ltd ABN 74 203 438 687, operates a Quality Management System which is audited for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

Clientele are provided independently certified assurances that the concepts of Quality and Continual Improvement are intrinsic to every business process throughout Huntsman operations. The ISO 9001:2015 certification provides confidence that processes are designed to maximise customer satisfaction through:

  • Minimisation of mistakes;
  • Higher quality products and services;
  • High level of communication;
  • Improved reliability; and
  • Standardised audits and corrective actions procedures.

The current ISO 9001:2015 certification is valid for all of the Company’s operations. The scope of the certification covers the following activities:

“Importation & supply of combat equipment and shooting products; workshop maintenance; product-through life support and related training delivery”

For more information on the Huntsman Defence Quality Management System see the Quality Policy on this site.